why are vampires not a choice for reincarnation? only animals? weak. whales=sweet. bears=sweet. cobras=sick. even though, like a vampire, cobras can't see themselves in the mirror. and snakes aren't looked upon kindly. "destined to roam the earth on their belly" and so forth. like snakes are pussies. say that to a cobras face. the real reason not to select cobra from the reincarnation menu is the inability to see your reflection. a cobra knows it's a cobra, but it can't look in the mirror on a bad day and go, "oh, right. i'm a cobra." dolphins are all gay. whales have things living on them. if you're into that, you may as well come back as earth. and bears get hunted too much. the real cutie and unsung hero of reincarnation who gets no consideration - the skunk. no one picks the skunk or even thinks of skunks unless they're smelling one. you can see yourself in the mirror, and above all you have an almost superhero-like ability to stink up the joint...for miles. even from beyond the grave. "didn't see me casually crossing the road as you reached down for your cell phone, huh? well, enjoy my stink for the next few miles, you prick!" how many times have you wanted to do that? instant revenge, non-violent conflict resolution. a world of skunks is a lot more peaceful. the worst thing that can happen to you is a fogging, or a skunk bite. and why would you ever bite someone if you could fart on them and have it linger on them for days? in closing, skunks are peaceful, revengy and sweet.