“do you love me?” “of course. you know that.” “i know. i know i know that …i just wish there was a way to be sure.” “you can’t just take my word for it?” “i can. i believe you. but, like a guarantee would be nice.” “a guarantee? …how about if we wore like matching …
So Incredibly Asian
i saw a dude a while ago who was asian, and he was also dressed like you would dress if you were going as an asian for halloween and you happened to be ferociously racist. like railroad-era asian, with the cone hat and the weird shoes. he didn’t have the bathrobe/karate uniform type kimono you’d …
Ye olde Scrotum
the odds of running into a scrotum in public are fairly slim. the odds of seeing a child’s scrotum are even more minuscule. i’m aware that it says “child’s scrotum” on my website now, and i would gladly have shown a picture here if i would have had the good sense to document this monstrosity. …