the gun debate gets very tiring in the united states. it's one of the very few things referred to as a debate. there's an immigration issue. how do you feel about same sex marriage? and the abortion debate. two debates - guns and abortion. and if abortions were constantly the main weapon used to shoot up schools, that debate would probably end a lot faster than the gun debate. it makes no sense to try to appeal to either side. people from other countries can't fathom how guns in the US are still legal and so abundant. people who are really into the constitution can't fathom that anyone would ever want to alter that in any way. you hear the same appeals over and over, "but they had muskets back then. it was a different time." it makes no impact. it was still in the constitution. the only thing both sides seem to agree upon is that the people who do these terrible things with guns tend to give gun owners a bad reputation. and that's true. if you look at the photos from most of the mass shooting perpetrators, they all look maniacal. and then everyone wonders, "how did that lunatic get a gun?" indeed. most gun owners are very careful with their guns. they keep them unloaded in a locked case, and they drive out to the middle of nowhere to shoot them at pieces of paper. if that's what you love, and if that hobby is what you're willing to fight to your last breath for - no one should stop you. you are the most boring piece of biological material that has ever been assembled. "honey, i'm home. guess how many times i hit the paper today..." "i want a divorce." it's not televised. that's a good indicator of how boring it is. they have shows dedicated to people eating a lot of food, and yet no one would ever watch someone shoot paper targets on tv. so, if that person wants a thousand guns, let them have them.
drug addicts are victims. we feel bad that someone with a problem ends up in prison for it. we punish drug dealers because they contribute to the demise of these poor drug users. so, if we are going to punish the providers - why not do that with guns? if you leave a handgun in your sock drawer, and then that gun is taken and someone is murdered with it, then you go to jail. you are an idiot, and you're not fit to own a weapon. "but they stole the gun from me?!" you bought it for protection against such things. you can't use that argument. if you get your gun stolen from a sock drawer or under your pillow, you should go to jail. you are a moron and unfit for society.owning brass knuckles is a felony. why? they were invented after the constitution was written. if you'd like to legally own some, make sure they fire a bullet and register them as a gun. then keep them locked up somewhere. and if we think crazy people are legally purchasing guns, why not change the questions you need to answer to own a gun? if you are indeed not the same as a crazy gun maniac who shoots up schools, you wouldn't mind answering a few more questions before making a purchase, right? it will insure that you are never associated with someone so off-balanced and creepy. it doesn't change the constitution or your ability to own as many guns as your hoardy personage requires. it just changes the questionnaire that determines whether or not someone is mentally stable enough to own a contraption that shoots metal through another person's body. certainly we can take a moment and answer a few extra questions. If it said things like, "do you believe in ethnic cleansing?" or "did she wrong ya?" or had maybe an essay section that started with "describe the ultimate need for guns (feel free to assume we are under attack from aliens)" - it seems like we might be able to weed out a few lunatics and perhaps not have to have schools be a terrifying war zone.