even if you're the most avid anti-gun person, you would still have to admit that shooting a gun is pretty fun. for some reason, seeing a bullet go into a target or person or animal or can at any distance brings us a certain amount of joy. there's a recoil, a little puff of smoke - it's nice. but on the other side, no matter how much you love guns - you'd probably think twice if you could look down at humanity as a whole and ask yourself, "should all of them be allowed to own a thing that propels a piece of metal right through another person's body?" even if you own several gun racks and lack room for a pro-gun bumper sticker on your vehicle because of all the other pro-gun bumper stickers already on it - you would still pause for a moment. if you were in charge, would you let people have guns? they can't even be trusted with spray paint. they'll huff it until they pass out, or they'll spray it onto buildings and such. they walk along looking down at their phones and step off the curb just in time to see a bus coming ...repeatedly. "but the second amendment!" right. it is a sweet amendment, but it was written when they had muskets. not a real threat of drive-by's and school shootings when you have to hand make each bullet. now we have guns that shoot hundreds of bullets per second. "guns don't kill people. people kill people" true, but that should be edited a bit to "people kill people ...on accident ...a lot" and with the way this population is getting out of hand, maybe everyone should have guns. in a mandatory way. the murder rate might not go up, but the manslaughter rate definitely would.