
i saw a homeless guy with a sign the other day that said "homeless, hungry, ugly" easily my favorite sign ever. the self-deprecating angle is a new angle. no more sympathy. humor is where it is. i have seen humor tried before. i saw a young bum on the median with a sign that said "i'll bet you a dollar you read this sign" so i drove by and said "double or nothing" no dice young bum. you have a lot more failing to do before i will recognize you giving up and help you out. same goes for you fat bum. but "homeless, hungry, ugly" is outstanding. the sad thing is that i was in the middle lane and didn't have any tip money for this jewel. and how do i know it was original? the first time you saw "why lie? i need a beer" it was great. but then you started seeing it all over. how does word spread amongst bums? do drivers pull up and say, "you know, a guy i saw in philly had a sign what said..." or is there a bum website they can log onto at the public library? i hope no one else steals the subtle beauty of homeless, hungry, ugly. but that's what bums do. that's why they're bums. they're unoriginal. you probably think of good signs before you are actually a bum. driving by panhandlers like, "that's all wrong. ya see if i were a bum, i'd have me a honey of a sign" and then you become a bum, and your sign is a honey. and then all these unoriginal jerks steal your brilliance. but what can you do? living well is the best revenge. what's the second best revenge?