Hello from the new davidhuntsberger.com. As you can tell, I'm not the greatest web designer. But it serves as a place to store all my digital things, and do people even visit websites anymore? It feels like a creation by the powers-that-be to have everyone sharing and receiving ideas and information solely through sites that can easily track and monitor their information. And really, who cares? I think we're all comfortable with giant entities owning our info. There's an element of "Well, they'll be too bogged down with everyone else. Why would they care about me?" And that makes some sense. I suppose personal websites are possibly going the way of video rental stores -- unless it's an online community with new 'content' uploaded hourly and lots of discussion. I have no interest in interacting with avatars regularly, and I think most of the stuff being pumped out at a frantic rate is devoid of any depth or thought or feeling. But my stuff, oh man, just check out all of that feeling. Really, this site is just an archive for some of the things I made over the years. I used to add new videos and blurbs pretty regularly, and I never opened up the option for comments. I feel that email, where at least in theory you have to consider your words before hitting send, was a more tolerable format for communication with a smaller chance of people's ugly nature scratching its way to the surface. But the continual flow of opinions that has now become the digital space at large is the way the world works. I'm going to open comments on this post just to see if anyone drops by. It can be a nice little oasis out of the madness. Or if you decide to lob some insults my way, I guess I had that coming by opening the gate. Anyway, I'll try to add more things like I did long ago. Thanks for swinging by. We'll be getting Point Break on VHS and DVD next week, so check back then.
Oh, and here's a new comic. The first I've drawn in about a decade. It's a bit New Yorker-y, but trying times, man.