Rabbits’ Feet

it's odd what lengths people will go to for good luck. like carrying around the foot of a cute little dead rabbit. which they've have been doing since 600 b.c.. people stopped believing in mythology and yet still believe in rabbits' feet. supposedly it's a symbol of fertility because rabbit's coitus each other so much. evidently it's working. we're giving the rabbits a run for their money breeding-wise. it's surprising the foot would be good luck. you would think a random animal part popping into the equation would halt any fertility happenings. "is that a foot? no you cannot buy me a drink, you sick bastard. oh, it's good luck? to what? get in my pants?! beat it jerk! go pop out a marmot's eye for good luck or skin a hamster, you creepy weirdo." but no. it's working. the best story of why the foot may be lucky is the one that says if a cross-eyed person kills a rabbit on a full moon, and cuts off their left foot, and carries it in their left pocket it's good luck. that's awesome. but isn't anything a cross-eyed person does that requires hand-eye coordination pretty lucky?