
a lot of people use the term 'retarded' to describe things. even though it may be offensive to people with challenged children, it is technically and grammatically correct. if you reach for something and your sweater catches on a nail and keeps you from reaching it, the nail retarded you. you were retarded by the nail. the sweater is retarded. not the nail. much in the same way a fanny pack retards you from having friends. you are retarded by the pack. the fanny pack is not retarded. children's brains were retarded from fully developing because of an extra chromosome, so doctors hastily and ineffectually used the term 'retarded', even though it's better served as a descriptive word than a medical term. like dumb before mute. how rude does that sound? "he can't speak?" "he's dumb! he's just dumb!" the term 'retards' is much more offensive. it's like saying the n word, except to a group who lacks the mental tenacity to zing you back or the coordination to give you the beating you deserve. like saying kike at a retirement home. that's retarded....which should be ok to say. especially since no one calls challenged kids retarded anymore. they're developmentally disabled, or mentally challenged, or special. if children aren't retarded anymore, then 'retarded' is fair game as a grammatically correct, inoffensive adjective. if you don't agree, you're a retard.