some people never look for any meaning in life. they have no interest in finding out where the machinery is, or how is works, or if any of this has any point at all. and that is probably the way to do it. the people who are full of angst and confusion don't seem to really have the greatest lives. i hope the person who coined the phrase "ignorance is bliss" was in fact an ignorant person. "greg, how can you just carry on happily with your life while such terrible things happen daily? don't you wonder if there's someone or some thing responsible for this? are we just test specimens in a cage being observed? or is this all just a big accident, and we're the result of bacteria that learned how to grow up and put on shoes?" "ignorance is bliss, dude." and then greg cannonballs into a pool with his sunglasses on. he just gets it. when people travel the world, and experiment with drugs, and meditate, and fast, and thirst for some sort of knowledge - the best they can hope for is to come back from that as calm and relaxed as greg. and that's sad to put in all that work just to come back with no answers. someone who lives in a remote place and has a simple life might be kind of a romantic notion, but that might just work for that specific person. "that's what we all need in life. a simple life of laying in hammocks and working as little as possible near a beach." and then you get there and find that hammocks, after too much time, warp your posture and dig into your skin. and bugs are no fun. and when you barely work, you can't travel or ever really leave the island. and you get less and less greg every day. searching for answers to life seems pretty much like a politician who ran for president and lost . they put in a lot of time and effort, and at the end of it - just like the majority of us - they are not the president. the only difference is that we got there with virtually no work.